About Us
The mission of Rip City Academy is to impact lives by helping athletes set future goals and formulate a strategy to help achieve those goals in a fun and competitive atmosphere. Rip City continues to push the envelope of training movement, increasing power and velocity within our athletes while maintaining healthy movement patterns. Since 2019, Rip City has made some noise in the industry by producing professional athletes as well as several scholarships earned by our clients spanning over multiple sports. Our goal is to invest our time during the day to be our best and constantly over-deliver on our client's investment in their overall development. Our results are data driven using HitTrax, Rapsodo, TeamBuildr as well as Driveline pitching modules which allows us to show improvement every day for each of our hard-working, loyal clients.
Anton Lazits - Columbia
“When training at Rip City, you train with the best trainers, players, and people around. Not only do you find yourself in a great baseball environment, you find yourself in a high energy situation where anyone can be comfortable. In my time at Rip City, I’ve noticed an increase in production in my swing and improvement in my all-around game.”
Drew Demartino - Hartford
“Rip City is the top facility in all of Western Mass. The staff has helped me an immense amount transforming me into the player that I am today. The hours after dark, and continuous input is something that every kid in our area should experience. Kevin and Alex not only will instruct with baseball, but will even teach life lessons throughout the sessions. Rip City is starting to become more of a culture and people would be insane to not invest their time with them.”
Bobby kinne - Tampa Bay Rays
“Rip City Academy has brought the cutting edge of baseball player development into our Berkshire County backyard. Utilizing state of the art baseball technology and in-depth knowledge of the game, Kevin and Alex are creating a competitive atmosphere where players can track their growth and follow an individualized plan tailored to their own needs. Players can see and feel improvements with instant feedback from the very same technologies being used at the Major League level. Never before have Berkshire County athletes had this type of access to professional-level training and development programs.”